Here are a few things worth knowing about us:
We are a small church made up mostly of young adults and families. We would love to have a wider generational mix so please come and join us!
We are progressive in our social values and seek to love and serve all people like Jesus exampled in his life.
We are unashamedly egalitarian and believe people should be released according to their gifts and calling not their gender.
We believe in social justice and share our prayers, money and time to help those in need.
Our core values are pretty simple:
Jesus is the definitive example of God's nature and character and the basis for how we interpret the Bible and understand God.
The Bible is the primary way we hear from God and a core element of the way we relate to God.
The Holy Spirit is personal and alive. We believe the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit as referred to in the Bible are valuable and beautiful.
We have noted the bias that God has toward people who are lost from him, the poor and the isolated. It is everywhere in the Bible and it is the cry of his heart. Jesus consistently represented this bias and it is our desire to do so also with our financial resources, our time and our prayers.
We believe in radical inclusion not performative diversity.
We believe discipleship is best done in community.
We believe it is important in all things to be kind. Kindness is good theology.
Beyond these core values there is a diversity of ideas about theology and practice at the Whitehouse Church. We think that is great.
If you’re interested in Geoff’s personal theological worldview you can also check out the YouTube video on this page, or read through the ReKnew Manifesto as it reflects his core beliefs pretty closely.